This property will put the core frequency to a minimum, ensuring stability. In this guide I go through the steps I took to get the UART working for serial console or HAT communication.I am assuming you are using a recent Raspbian Jessie image ( or more recent) on Raspberry Pi 3, that the file system has been expanded and that enough space is left for the software updates to be installed.Let’s go! Update SoftwareThe first thing you’ll need to do is to ensure all software components are up-to-date.Update the repository and upgrade the installed packages: $ sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade -yUpdate the firmware: $ sudo rpi-updateReboot to apply the changes: $ sudo rebootEnable UARTA new property has been introduced to enable the UART on the Pi.

It seems the recently launched Raspberry Pi 3 behaves differently with regards to the UART interface on the GPIO header.